Financial Management: Investment Appraisal and Business Valuations

The training course is part of the series “Applied Finance in Business Programme“.

How do you assess whether an investment project is worth the while? And how do you choose between projects that seem to give the same future cash flows? Having taken all factors involved, does the chosen project finally add value to the firm? And what exactly is Value?

Is the Cost of Capital of a business calculable? And is it useful in Financial Management?

How are financial instruments, such as shares and bonds, valued in the financial markets? And is there a difference between Pricing and Valuation?

Can simple discounting be used to compute the value of a business entity?

Key features of this course:

  • This is an intensive, interactive workshop based on case studies
  • Zero prior knowledge of finance is required. What seemed impossible to comprehend will now appear easy and obvious
  • For additional savings, this module can be booked as part of a package offer.

This workshop is addressed to participants without formal education in finance, who, as part of their work duties, are required to exhibit an understanding of investment evaluation and valuation of financial instruments.


This workshop is especially recommended to:

  • Managers of finance or non-finance functions
  • Internal and External Auditors
  • All professionals wishing to broaden and deepen their skills in finance

After completing this training module, you will:

  • Understand, why some investment projects are considered by your company as worth initiating, and why some are not.
  • Know what the cost of capital of a company is, how to compute it and what use to put it into.
  • Feel more confident to take part in discussions with equity analysts with regard to their valuation of shares.
  • Time Value of Money: Present Value, Future Value, Discounting Techniques (practical exercises)
  • Methods of evaluating investment decisions – net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR), payback period, real options (case study)
  • Cost of capital – Weighted Average Cost of Capital, adjusting for risk, decisions on project financing (case study)
  • Sensitivity analysis in situations of uncertainty (practical exercises)
  • Valuations in business: Review of various approaches to pricing and valuation of equity and debt financial instruments
  • Valuation of companies

Maciej Kocon - consultant and trainer specializing in risk management, financial markets and accounting for financial instruments. He delivers courses aimed at financial sector institutions on financial markets, risk management and corporate finance.

Financial Management: Investment Appraisal and Business Valuations


EUR 325 net (EUR 399,75 gross)

Financial Management: Investment Appraisal and Business Valuations

The training course is part of the series “Applied Finance in Business Programme“.

How do you assess whether an investment project is worth the while? And how do you choose between projects that seem to give the same future cash flows? Having taken all factors involved, does the chosen project finally add value to the firm? And what exactly is Value?

Is the Cost of Capital of a business calculable? And is it useful in Financial Management?

How are financial instruments, such as shares and bonds, valued in the financial markets? And is there a difference between Pricing and Valuation?

Can simple discounting be used to compute the value of a business entity?

Key features of this course:

  • This is an intensive, interactive workshop based on case studies
  • Zero prior knowledge of finance is required. What seemed impossible to comprehend will now appear easy and obvious
  • For additional savings, this module can be booked as part of a package offer.
For whom?

This workshop is addressed to participants without formal education in finance, who, as part of their work duties, are required to exhibit an understanding of investment evaluation and valuation of financial instruments.


This workshop is especially recommended to:

  • Managers of finance or non-finance functions
  • Internal and External Auditors
  • All professionals wishing to broaden and deepen their skills in finance
Objectives and benefits

After completing this training module, you will:

  • Understand, why some investment projects are considered by your company as worth initiating, and why some are not.
  • Know what the cost of capital of a company is, how to compute it and what use to put it into.
  • Feel more confident to take part in discussions with equity analysts with regard to their valuation of shares.
  • Time Value of Money: Present Value, Future Value, Discounting Techniques (practical exercises)
  • Methods of evaluating investment decisions – net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR), payback period, real options (case study)
  • Cost of capital – Weighted Average Cost of Capital, adjusting for risk, decisions on project financing (case study)
  • Sensitivity analysis in situations of uncertainty (practical exercises)
  • Valuations in business: Review of various approaches to pricing and valuation of equity and debt financial instruments
  • Valuation of companies


EUR 325 net (EUR 399,75 gross)


Live Online


13-14 October 2025


Aleksandra Jabłczyńska

Head Training Coordinator

  • +48 505 171 636