Solutions for Companies

One of the goals of the EY Academy of Business is to provide effective support to companies in their development - effective, i.e. in a way that brings change to the individual and the business, supports the implementation of strategic objectives and addresses business challenges. We achieve this through close cooperation with the management and HR function, accurate identification of development needs and appropriate selection of tools.

We combine a pragmatic approach with a perspective on the strategic, long-term needs of an organisation. Our knowledge and extensive business experience allow us to aptly tailor solutions to the needs of our clients.

Training and development

We offer open and in-house training courses diversified in terms of the subject matter and methodology. We tailor the in-house courses strictly to the needs of the client. We conduct analyses of development and training needs at organisational, team and individual levels, taking into account strategic challenges and needs.

Some of our courses include

Applied Finance in Business Programme

Gain the practical financial skills you need for your daily work!

EY Diploma – Application of IFRS

The EY Diploma in International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) is a programme that covers all standards and interpretations issued by the IASB which are of general applicability.

The Strategic Management Programme

Analysing markets, designing successful strategies, and leading organizational change effectively are skills and expertise crucially needed in order to navigate in today's competitive business landscape.

Mergers & Acquisitions Advanced Level: Valuation of Companies using Financial Modelling in Excel

In this advanced, and real-life case-study-based and simulation workshop you will be valuing a company using various internationally accepted models under different business models.

AI in Business: for C-Level Executives and Managers

Examine the impact of AI technologies in the banking world, emphasizing the benefits of AI tools in enhancing customer engagement, personalization, and customer service automation.

AML and CFT Workshop: Advanced Level

Explore the intricacies of money laundering techniques and emerging trends in financial crime, in this advanced level AML/CFT Workshop.